This is Google's cache of . Google's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web. The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the current page without highlighting. Google is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content. These search terms have been highlighted: melt banana These terms only appear in links pointing to this page: smelly So the Nuge was on tour with Mr. Bungle when The Melt Banana tour started. The whole tour I was wanting him by my side. We are best friends. He and I are the worlds greatest roadies. I keept telling Melt Banana I can not wait to get home and see Todd Nugent. The last Eight shows will be real easy because he will work for us. Well when we returned back to California he never showed up at any of the shows. I called him and talked to his answering machine. But he never came to see Melt Banana play. I was real worried. This is very much unlike the Nuge to miss a Rock and Roll event. Espeacialy ones that he likes the band. I finaly got to talk to him. He was sick. Real sick with an undiscriblable diesease. He did come over to say hello to Melt Banana. But he was very sick. This sadden all of us. I was very concerned about his health. I called Patton to see if he would have any information on Nugent. If any one knew, he would Know. He was in the dark to. Todd was not speaking about it to anyone. I expressed my concern to Patton and we aggreed to Push Todd for some answers. After Melt Banana left and the tour was over I spent some time with Todd Nugent. He had a very deadly blood desease. Maybe one that would have killed any normal human. He worked through it. Today he is fine. But to tell you the truth he scared the hell out of me. He never ever misses a rock event. All of us were taken in by this suprise. His health was a great concern to Melt Banana. Espeacialy Agata, because Agata Knows everything about bad blood and the pain it will cause. (end page 13 - s8.html)